Self-love: You are your greatest love story.

You are your greatest love story.
First, let’s get this out of the way that this page not the company about dating or any romantic relationships.
We start with YOU since there may be parts of YOU that is waiting for you to be seen, felt, received, and even loved by you.
(It probably wants no part in this and you’re probably thinking the person writing this is nuts. All welcomed by the way.)
To show you a glimpse, here’s mine.
What self-love showed me.
In the 34 years of my life, I finally touched self-love❤️ and I’m hoping that it doesn’t have to take you 34 years to find yours.
Self-love meaning loving all of you, not parts of you.
A glimpse of how I finally touched mine as a glimpse maybe to touch yours…
There are no hacks.
There are no shortcuts.
There are no quick fixes.
There are no gimmicks.
When you’re unfamiliar with self love, it really does feel like you’re strolling through heavy fog that you can’t see through past your nose.
A lot of people think they figured themselves out and know who they, until they touch the ceiling…
When adversity hits, life hits, how will you handle it?
How will that hack you learned about suppressing your anger help you?
What shortcuts will help you bypass your need to cry?
How will this tool help your frustration, when it’s only a quick fix?
Not once in that was loving your angry one, crying one, frustrated one—of course easier said than done.
Loving the parts I didn’t want to love wasn’t easy and you’re not expected to.
I would lash out for making myself not want to cry, be mean—all you can think of to self-sabotage myself and not notice and feel. So it’d be hard to love that part of me.
Yet, I was determined to understand my inner world.
In my CORE, I know I needed to work with someone that met me where I was energetically at.
If I felt something slightly off, I wouldn’t want to work with the person.
If I felt their ego took over, I’d leave.
I’ll save my journey about working with coaches, mentors for maybe another post, yet say IT’S SO IMPORTANT TO WORK WITH SOMEONE THAT MEETS YOU WHERE YOU’RE AT.
Honestly, I feel like I lucked out with my coach nearly 9 months later while delving into my internal world.
Long story short, I met him in a program he and I was in. I never knew he was going to be a coach, let alone, be a coach I’d worked with since something about him shook my core in a good way.
Fastforward to December 27, 2022, our first call…
“What the fuck is this presence & field?” I silently say to myself. It felt utterly silent.
I tell him I was excited now that I can FINALLY play.
“Let’s sit with excitement…”
Perplexed! This was different compared to how I was coached before. You can’t even call this coaching at this point! The guy’s just…here.
I was comfortable and told him how angry and sad I was since there was a pinch in my chest.
Nothing from him as I silent still felt he was there for me…
At some time during the meeting he offered a piece to inquire about myself: I wonder what it’s like to give myself self-love…
That’s something new I haven’t given to myself nor did it ever cross myself since my wounded 13-year-old part of me froze in time.
Slowly yet sure, I thawed myself out of my frozen part.
I felt into loving my little one that bullied people.
Loving my hateful one.
My angry one.
My sad one.
My happy one.
The list goes on.
I held on to that part of me with deeep appreciation, kindness, and compassion.
One session, single-handedly brought me to touch me loving all of me.
No hacks.
No tricks.
No gimmicks.
No shortcuts.
Just having someone who is a gentle, still, and loving person to receive ALL of me as I am without saying much.
It’s because of me receiving that glimpse for myself I slowly, began uttering these four words:
I love you, Jen❤️
Again, what I experienced seemed so out of no where, yet it is possible when you trust and put yourself first, that helps you lead the way.
Reminders about self-love
Let’s help you start understand and touch the aspects of you.

Self-love is not about looking for breakthrough affirmations.